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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here's LBJ DEED Song

(Sung to the tune of "Yankee Doodle")
Written by: Lois T. Gumataotao

We've been learning all year long
The skills we need to know
We learned to read
We learned to write
We even learned to spell!

We are LBJ DEED kids
We have learned so much all year
We are smarter now you see
We thank all the DEED teachers

Learning math is not so hard
If you know all your numbers
We learned to add
We learned to subtract
We even learned to measure!

We are LBJ DEED kids
We have learned so much all year
We are smarter now you see
We thank all the DEED teachers!

Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Peele
For teaching us to dance
Thank you for your commitment too
In making all the difference!

Thank you Ms Gumataotao too
For coordinating the DEED Program
Thank you for your commitment too
In making all the difference!

We are LBJ DEED kids
We have learned so much all year
We are smarter now you see
We thank all the DEED teachers!

DEED: What To Remember!

By: Lois T. Gumataotao

Believe it or not, we are already into the 2nd quarter. I would like to thank all you wonderful DEED parents for all your support in communicating with the DEED teachers and the coordinator of any concerns you had during the 1st quarter. Open communication really made a difference in ensuring an effective afterschool program.

Please keep in mind also that each quarter is a new quarter. Therefore, registration has to be filled out completely and that your child is not officially in the DEED program until payment has been made and it is still on a first-come-first basis. A reminder will be given to you to ensure payment is made on time. If you have any changes in your registration form, please inform the DEED teachers or the coordinator. For 3rd quarter, you will be required to provide your verification of employment. Make sure all contact numbers are working and provide extension numbers also. Students who will not be in DEED for a certain day will be entertained only when there is a note from home or when a phone call is made to the any DEED teacher, the coordinator or the office. Otherwise, your child will be placed in DEED afterschool.

It’s a long day for both your child and the DEED teachers, so please pick up your child by 5:30 p.m. Always add insurance time for the unexpected such as accidents, rain floods, short traffic lights, flat tires, heavy traffic, etc. Please feel free to call me during the DEED hours @727-5647 for any unforeseen circumstances.

Other than that, let’s all continue the positive open communication for our DEED children. Happy Holiday!